Notice Regarding
Fake & False Statements

Mrs Rinehart and Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd have been made aware today of fake social media posts and associated news stories alleging that Mrs Rinehart has an association with selling company shares resulting in a fraudulent monthly income, as below.
Mrs Rinehart has not made the alleged investment or recommendations or quotes set forth in these adverts. This is a scam designed to use Mrs Rinehart’s positive corporate image to lure people in to invest.

Notice | False statements regarding Mrs Gina Rinehart investing in crypto trading platforms
8 December 2022.
Mrs Rinehart and Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd have been made aware of fake social media posts and associated news stories alleging that Mrs Rinehart has invested into a new automated trading platform.
Mrs Rinehart has not made the alleged investment or recommendations or quotes set forth in these adverts. This is a scam designed to use Mrs Rinehart’s positive corporate image to lure people in to invest.

Notice | False statements regarding Mrs Gina Rinehart investing in crypto currency
10 May 2022.
Mrs Rinehart and Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd have been made aware of fake social media posts and associated news stories alleging that Mrs Rinehart has invested $5,000,000 into a start-up crypto currency platform.
Mrs Rinehart has not made the alleged investment or recommendations or quotes set forth in these adverts. This is a scam designed to use Mrs Rinehart’s positive corporate image to lure people in to invest.

Notice – false statements regarding Mrs Gina Rinehart
Mrs Rinehart and Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd have been made aware today of fake social media posts and associated news stories alleging that Mrs Rinehart has invested $5,000,000 into a start-up crypto currency platform. It claims it can make you rich in 7 days. Mrs Rinehart has not made the alleged investment or recommendations or quotes set forth in these adverts. This is a scam designed to use Mrs Rinehart’s positive corporate image to lure people in to invest.

Notice – false statements regarding Mrs Gina Rinehart investing in crypto currency
Mrs Rinehart and Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd have been made aware today of fake social media posts and associated news stories alleging that Mrs Rinehart has invested $5,000,000 into a start-up crypto currency platform. It claims it can make you rich in 7 days. Mrs Rinehart has not made the alleged investment or recommendations or quotes set forth in these adverts. This is a scam designed to use Mrs Rinehart’s positive corporate image to lure people in to invest.